If you're into food and Williamsburg you probably don't need me to tell you about today's site. But if you're new to town, check out FREEWilliamsburg's Food section. It's a great way to familiarize yourself with your eating options. They're also good about updating restaurant closings.

Moon Shadow is also noted as having closed. It's only a few blocks away from my apartment in Greenpoint and yet after passing it twice a day for five years I had never visited. Just couldn't make the committment. It's across the street from Wasabi and if I was going to eat in that area I'd be hard-pressed to pass on getting a fix for my sushi jones.
What it doesn't say on FREEWilliamsburg about Moon Shadow is that it's been turned into a Dunkin' Donuts. It's nice to know that there's an ice coffee on the twenty-minute walk to the subway station (yes, I know it's a hike) but I can't say I'm thrilled to know that their poor imitation banana coolata Starbucks type copycat drinks are on the prowl nearby. They scare me they're so bad. It's as though someone let their kids get drunk and play with coffee and fruit. I'll admit to having munchkin nostalgia (ask me about the schoolbus incident) and eating their croissant sandwhiches in a pinch but their drinks are horrible. Guh.
Their slogan is America runs on Dunkin...does it though? Really? I kind of doubt it. Maybe Massachusetts.
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