If you're new to Kitchen Toro let me give you a little tour...

My name is Arthur Bovino and you can find my profile here. Turo is a nickname one of the chefs at the French Culinary Institute gave me while working in the kitchen. Most recently, my day job was working at the Dining Section of The New York Times.

I started this food blog to document my culinary adventures in the kitchen and beyond. I've always enjoyed writing and always loved food. While I'm currently devoting myself to an education in the kitchen I also want to continue my other passion, writing. You can read my first post by clicking here.
Hey dude, how do I get in touch with you?
Send an Email here with comments, suggestions or to say hello!

The under-construction jewel of my site is Kitchen Toro Eats Williamsburg. I'm trying to eat all of Williamsburg and Greenpoint this summer, not every item on the menus mind you (as I don't have the expense account for that yet) but as many as possible to create a comprehensive list of reviewed restaurants and eateries. I'm also tyring to create a rotation, a stable of places that need to be visited and a list of places to ignore. I hope to soon have a mash-up of all the places mentioned and asking for suggestions.

Kitchen Toro Eats Long Island isn't be as detailed as Kitchen Toro Eats Williamsburg but it documents my eating adventures in Long Island, where I'm from.
What about a Kitchen Toro Eats New York?
I'll be compiling my New York restaurant experiences in a new feature coming soon called Kitchen Toro Eats The City.

There are three recipe pages: FCI Recipes we're cooking at school; My Recipes, my little black book of recipes I've come up with; and Finds 'N Favorites, standards and sought after or stumbled across dishes.

Three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I attend classes at the French Culinary Instiute. You can read these posts to find learn what we're cooking, how we're making it and what it's like going to culinary school. Currently I'm behind on these posts by about a week because I've taken a new job and I'm working on my final project, but the posts will be updated soon.
Why the French Culinary Institute?
Beyond the Culinary Institute of America which when I researched it seemd to recquire six months of restaurant experience I didn't have, my research led me to FCI as the best place to learn how to cook with hands-on experience, instruction and placement after graduation.
What about these daily features? And what's up with the alliteration?
Currently there are four daily features with a Monday feature to come. The different features are described below. What about the alliteration? Hey, Tuesday's non-alliterative!

Do you have your own tools?
Of course! You can read about my uniform here, my knives here, and my toolbox here.
Hey, do you cook for private parties or events?
Not quite yet. But it's something I'm certainly interested in.
Where's the Kitchen Toro T-shirt?
Coming soon.
Geez, stop talking about Masa! Can I make a donation so you can spend just go to the darn restaurant already? I've got some money burning a whole in my pocket that you might be able to use to spend some more money on your reviews!
You're far, far too generous but sure, I'm getting to work on that too.
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