Session 1: General Rules of Hygiene
Session 2: Tournage, Potatoes & Artichokes
Session 3: Stocks (fonds) & Emulsified Sauces
Session 4: Liasons, Roux, Glazes
Session 5: Preservation, Beans, Peas, Legumes & Dried Fish
Session 6: Eggs & Omelets
Session 7: Doughs & Batters, Pâte a Choux, Crème Pâtissière
Session 8: Pâte Brisée/Pâte Sucrée, Rolling out Dough & Baking
Session 9: The Potato, Deep Frying, Pommes Purées, Taillage
Session 10: Poultry, Trussing, Quartering, Roasting & Sautéing
Session 11: Methods of Cooking Meat, Beef and Veal
Session 12: Cooking in a Mixte, Lamb and Mutton
Session 13: Poêle Method, Pork, Breaded & Sauteed Meats
Session 14: Pâte Feuilletée, Creams & Custards
Session 15: Pot au Feu, Sauce Raifort, Bande de Tarte aux Fruits
Session 16: Soups, Consommes, Clarification, Purées & Bisques
Session 17: Salads, Cooking Vegetables for Salads & À La Grecque
Session 18: Fish, Preservation, Cuts, Methods of Cooking
Session 19: Fish À La Meunière, Grilled, Stuffed, & Compound Butter
Session 20: Braising, Marinades
Session 21: Crêpes, Pâte a Frire, Brioche
Session 22: Basic Stuffing, Preparation & Cooking Stuffed Vegetables
Session 23: Duck, Sautéing & Braising, Dressing, Roasting & Grilling
Session 24: Organs, Prep, Terrines, Ballottines & Pâtés en Croûte
Session 25: Cooking Shellfish, Crustaceans, Mollusks & Cephalopods
Session 26: Génoise, Sugar Syrups, Buttercream, Crème Anglaise
Session 27: Ices, Ice Creams, Bombes, Soufflés Glacés & Meringues
Session 28: Mousses, Soufflés (Sweet/Savory) Cream & Charlottes
Session 29: Food Control, Purchasing, Receiving, Menus & Prices
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