Ah, Times Square, my former workplace and most favorite area in the world. Okay, maybe that's an ever-so-slight exaggeration, as in my past life I was too often the beleagured, grumpy face in the background of several million tourist's pictures rushing too and from work past and through throngs of tourists. Let's just say we go way back, Times Square and I.

The sign belongs to a place called "Villa Pizza." Now I don't have anything against Villa Pizza. For what it is it's pretty good-- it gives Sbarro's a run for it's money: the pizza is decent. Not the best slice I've had in New York (fyi, if you love pizza and haven't checked out this site you've got to go) but that's not why you'd go here. As someone who lives in New York, you'd go here because you're catching a bus at the Port Authority diagonally across the street or you're rushing to see a movie or catch up with a friend who has already eaten and you're starving.
The thing about Villa Pizza is that like La Famiglia one block away (my midtown slice, if you go to the deli/pizza parlor on 43rd b/n Broadway & 8th you just don't know pizza, sorry) is that it gives a decent slice. The crust is passable and the sauce is better than decent which carries it.

What's my point? Well, now that I'm no longer angry at you, dear tourists, with your slow walking, your stopping on the street corners to look up at the lights, the signs, and your questionable habits of spending Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights here, I'm very concerned about you, I want you to know you shouldn't go here expecting a slice of a New York Original! Check out all the varieties of Ray's and Ray copy-cats, stop into some of the small places around town.
Above all, when buying a slice, wait for a fresh pie to come out of the oven, or just bring grandma and the kids and share a fresh pie yourselves. If you're going to go to Villa Pizza that's fine just don't take pictures of it, please, for your own sake. And for the love of god and all things holy and sacred, you're in New York, do not go to the Olive Garden. If you find yourself nearing the door handle stop and cross the street. Stay away from Red Lobster while you're at it too. You're still slow and silly but I'm saying this out of love and concern for you. I swear, it's true, take a look at my profile picture, tourist-friends, I won't ruin your pictures anymore, I'm smiling.
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