The location is one of those corner spots that should make for a successful business. It used to be a cramped but successful flower store (buying flowers there on Mother's Day was a horror) until they moved to a larger place across the street. Then it was a deli, which didn't make any sense at all as we already have the Polish-American deli (more on that some other day) across the street run by Sam who stays open very late and to whom the neighborhood is pretty loyal and two other delis on the two blocks to the left and right of the storefront. It was clean and nicely done but ultimatedly doomed.
When I passed Fish Eden a few days ago the shutters were up and there were some construction workers in full demolition mode inside. It'll still be some time before I'm mulling over what we'll be eating for dinner but this is already much more promising than what was there before.

Yeah, ahem, they're closed now too.
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