#2 WPOST »» Blue-ribbon bakers, Daniel O'Connell's 1½*'d, Beating a path to cheesey jobs, Wiesey's goes low-carb?!
#3 DAILY NEWS »» Luz, Meadowlands tailgating, Wild game menu at Restaurant Orsay
#4 NYSUN »» The Tasting Room relocated, Gilt & Grammercy Tavern update, Yawn: the best chocolate (ahem), Opening in Sepetember, Kitchen Dish, Oyster Bar in Grand Central
#5 LAT » West Restaurant & Lounge ½*'d, Fall fruit, Antica Macelleria Cecchini, The Find: Natas Pastries, Oven-baked veal shank
#6 NYPOST »» Cuozzo on Boqueria, Lonesome Dove Western Bistro, NY's 'Vintage Dishes,'
#7 SFC » Red Ginger 2½*'d, Jojo 2½*'d, Mescolanza 2*'d, Pagolac 2*'d, Consumers go to the source...yup that's California, Keller's temporary Ad Hoc
OUT OF THE GAME (4 reviews since 6/21): NYOBSERVER
NY Magazine»» Japonais 0*'d, New NYT Dining Editor Speaks, Openings, High-profile places do lunch

Zero Stars: 4-1
One Star: EVEN
Two Stars: 5-1
Three Stars: 300-1
Four Stars: 30,000-1
Eater took the odds on one stas and Freemans was zilched. The score as of 7/18: 3/8
OF NOTE since last Wednesday:
TALK ABOUT OF NOTE, how did I ever miss Eater's report on Alain Ducasse closing. I'll contain myself, with difficulty.
DAILY NEWS: Bon Appetit Cookbook, Grand Central's Oysters Rockefeller contest
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