What's the big deal about Friday's class (I'm late to post due to forces beyond my control, namely work on Saturday and the downpour that I had to get home in) besides the fact that we don't have class on Monday? It's the first time that I can remember that we'll be cooking steaks and we'll be plating them with potatoes marinated in three pounds of butter and braised lettuce...wrapped in bacon. If you like meat, you'd like this meal. It's simple in presentation but there's a decent amount of prep work, all of which seemed worth it when I tasted the result as cooked by the last group at the Saucier srtation.
When I filled out my Yelp profile (see Meme Monday for more on Yelp) this was the last dish I'd eaten and I said so when answering the "Last meal" profile question without realizing that they meant, "What would your last meal on earth be?" Well, it was good enough to be a last meal so for now, it stays up there!
More about class after class and on the jump...
DISH: Roast fillet of Beef With Braised Lettuce, Stuffed Vegetables, and Roasted Potatoes, Filet De Boeuf Rôti Richelieu
The Meat
1,200 G Trimmed Beef Fillet, In One Piece
Corn Oil, For Sautéing
Salt and Freshly Ground Pepper
The Tomatoes
4 Plum Tomatoes
The Duxelles
400 G Button Mushrooms Plus 8 Large ONes
A Few Drops of Lemon Juice
60 G Shallots
40 G Butter
Salt and Freshly Ground Pepper
The Lettuces
4 Heads Boston Lettuce, or 8 Heads Bibb Lettuce
50 G Butter
A Combination of Chicken and Veal Stock
The Potatoes
4 Idaho Potatoes
Corn Oil, For Sautéing
25 G Butter
MEAT Prepare the fillet and use the trimmings to reinforce a sauce, preferably an Espagnole. Refrigerate the meat until needed.
TOMATOES Mondez the tomatoes. Cut them in half lengthwise and remove the seeds and some of the ribs, trying to keep the tomato's structure intact. Season the interiors lightly with salt and invert them over a rack to drain.
DUXELLES Remove the stems from the 8 large mushrooms and chop them, along with the 400 G, and proceed to make duxelles in the usual manner with the ingredients and amounts listed. Cook the large caps à l'étuvée with a touch of water, butter, lemon juice, and seasoning, covered with a parchment-paper lid. When they are cooked and cool, stuf them and the tomato halves with the duxelles and set aside.
LETTUCES Preheat the oven to 350°F. Remove any unsightly or bruised exterior leaves from the lettuces. Wash them and blanch them for 2 to 3 seconds in lightly salted boiling water. Refresh them in an ice bath, and gently squeeze out the excess water. Divide the lettuces in 2 or 4 pieces lengthwise and tuck them neatly in a buttered sautoir. Cover them with stock to come halfway up the sides, and bring to a boil. Season them with salt and pepper, cover with parchment paper, and cook in the oven for 25 to 30 minutes, or until tender. (The lettuce could also be cooked with a matignon garnish for added flavor.)
POTATOES Turn the potatotes and blanch them for 2 to 3 minutes, starting in cold water. Air-dry them for the final preparation (rissoler). Set aside.
FINISH AND ASSEMBLY Increase the oven temperature to 450°F. Season the meat well and sear in a very hot and wide pan. Transfer to the oven and roast for approximately 20 to 30 minutes, or until the internal temperature reaches 130°F. Bake the mushrooms and tomatoes. Rissolez the potatoes. Serve the beef sliced with vegetables alongside and a bit of sauce.

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