DISH: Braised Sausage and Mushroom-Stuffed Beef Escalope With Carrots (Vaucluse), Paupiette De Boeuf Aux Carottes
For The Paupiette
250 G Sausage
200 G Ground Beef
100 G Boiled Ham, Brunoise
20 G Shallots, Ciselees
50 G Brandy
10 G Parsley, Hache
3 G Tarragon, Hache
Salt & Pepper
8 Slices Beef Top Round
8 Pieces Caul Fat
15 ML Vegetable Oil
10 G Butter
For The Sauce
100 G Onions, Ciselees
4 Tablespoon Tomato
100 ML Red Wine
2 Garlic Cloves, Crushed
Bouquet Garni
500 ML Fond De Veau Lie
For The Carrots
4 Large Carrots
2 Tablespoons Butter
Salt & Pepper
Procedure (serves 8):
PAUPIETTE Mix 250g sausage, 200g ground beef, 100g brunoise boiled ham, 20g ciselees shallots, 50 g brandy, 10g hache parsley, 3g hache tarragon, salt and pepper. Test the seasoning by poaching a bit. Slice 8 pieces of top round beef, tap each flat with a mallet between pieces of plastic film. Lay out thin slice of beef, tuck filling in middle and roll beef around filling taking care to ensure the ends are tucked in. Wrap each paupiette in caul fat and season all sides with salt and pepper.
In a wide sautoir, heat 15 ML vegetable oil, brown all sides of paupiette, remove from pan and pour off the fat. Add 10 G butter to pan, and 100 G onions, ciselees, sweat. Add four tablespoons of tomato compote, sweat and then add 100 ML red wine and deglaze the sucs from the pan. Reduce by half, add paupiettes, two cloves of crushed garlic, bouquet garni (bay leaf, thyme, parsley, peppercorns) and 500 ML fond de veau lie halfway up the sides of the paupiettes. Season, simmer and cover. Cook wither on the stovetop or in a 350°F oven for 1¼ hour, turning and basting. Remove paupiette to a clean pan, degrease cooking liquid, reduce, strain over paupiettes.
CARROTS Clean and peel carrots, halve, then slice in small diagonals. Warm several tablespoons of butter in a large sautoir, add carrots, salt, pepper, water and cover with parchment paper. Simmer until tender, remove and set aside but reserve cooking liquid. Reduce liquid to a glaze and add back to carrots. Keep warm for service.

We multiplied all ingredients above by three for restaurant service and added a rice pilaf and green beans.
For Rice Pilaf:
3 Cups Rice
3 Cups Chicken Stock
3 Tablespoons Butter
1 Cup Raisins
2 Red Pepper
2 Green Pepper
2 Yellow Pepper
Salt and Pepper
1 Cup Frozen Peas

We also added green beans which we prepared very simply, cleaning about 100 beans, snapping off their ends, cooking them a l'anglaise (in heavily salted water) shocking them in ice water to keep their bright green color (always have an ice bath handy before cooking the beans!), and then cooking them in butter with salt and pepper for service.

There were only four of us today, we were down one person (our group of five is more than any other group has on any given day) and during service one of us expedited (kept track of the dishes being ordered and fired for service) so there were only three of us actually cooking but it was a pretty simple dish to make and easy enough to plate. Two of us were actually breaking down chickens during most of service. The only time we were "in the weeds," (is that a golf term brought by caddies to the kitchen or what?) was at the very beginning of service when we had to plate a party of 20 all at once. I sliced the paupiettes and my two partners plated and sauced as I came back around to sprinkle parsley and clean the rims.

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