I've loved Indian food ever since I can remember but where does this love come from? I certainly remember having had Indian food as a very little kid. There was an Indian restaurant on Long Island that had a buffet that I have vague memories of but they don't resonate like the Jo Jo Mess Club.
When we lived in Hong Kong from 1985-1990, my parents would take me and my sister to a little Indian restaurant in Wanchai that I want to say was run by Sikhs. Wanchai was a little gritty back then and fun to ride through on the second level of the double-decker trolleys and buses where you'd get a great view of shop signs with humorous English translations.
Even as a nine year old kid I kind of felt sorry for the Jo Jo Mess Club. It had to be explained to me that we weren't going to a place that was a mess but that I didn't get that this was a reference to 'mess' as in mess hall or cafeteria. Remembering the place now, I wonder how I could have been convinced. Jo Jo's was a hole-in-the-wall, bare bones kind of place. I remember a simple white fluorescent sign with black capital letters hanging above the doorway on the street. Up the stairs the restaurant was pretty threadbare too-- formica tables, fluorescent lights overhead, chairs with chrome metal legs and sad padding.

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